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La materia non conta

La materia non conta

Between September 1919 and Christmas 1920, the poet Gabriele D’Annunzio was the conqueror then the Comandante of the city of Fiume, now Rijeka, Croatia. La materia non conta or Matter does not count, was one of his mottos to emphasize the superiority of his ideal vision over the pettiness of material concerns. But unlike his previous works, this time his poetic fever went to tragically material consequences. Voices of these past days, the one of a young enthusiastic Italian legionary, and the one of a young mournful Croatian girl, come back to haunt the city of today. How the utopian dream of some people can make the sorrow of others ? How is it to be caught in someone’s dream?

2020., Croatia, 43′, experimental documentary

Writer and director: Pierre Commault

Camera and editing: Maxence Lemmonier, Pierre Commault

Image processing: Maxence Lemmonier

Sound recorder: Nina Almberg

Processing and tone mix: Zoran Medved

Producers: Marin Lukanović, Borko Novitović, Jelena Androić

Production: Filmaktiv

The film is financed by Rijeka City and the Croatian audio-visual center (HAVC)

Produkcija: Filmaktiv