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Project Žiroskop was created out of a need for solving instability problems in the use of spatial resources for non-institutional culture organizations, or in other words, its purpose is the development of civil-public partnership in managing the spaces of Filodrammatica, Youth culture center Palach and Croatian house of culture in Sušak (HKD). This partner project focuses on developing communal management of mentioned spaces which includes the development of the management model, establishment of the procedures for inclusion of all participants in the city culture life, and increased participation of citizens in cultural activities, including their creation.

The project contributes to the development of civil society and public management organizational capacities and to the strengthening of social dialogue whose purpose is quality management and inclusion of citizens in managing public resources.

The project will facilitate a few educational programs and activities that include workshops, lectures, cultural and artistic productions, and educations and also establishment of Rijeka’s first community radio “Radio Roža”

The project is carried out by association Drugo more in partnership with Associations alliance Molekula, associations Filmaktiv, Ri Rock and Prostor Plus, and the Rijeka City.

Project “Žiroskop – civil-public partnership in managing cultural spaces in Rijeka” is financed within an open call Culture in the center – support of civil-public partnership in culture, UP. – Operational program “Effective human resources” 2014. – 2020.

The project of total value of 2.416.102,66 kunas is financed by a European social fund in the amount of 2.053.687,26 kunas and co-financed by the Croatian Ministry of culture in the amount of 362.415,40 kunas.

Intermediary bodies in the implementation of the project are the Croatian Ministry of culture and the National Foundation for civil society development.

The period of project implementation is from October 29th, 2018. to October 29th, 2020.


Video 21

Program Video 21 is carried out in collaboration with Association for Down syndrome – Rijeka 21, and its goal is the inclusion of children and youths with Down syndrome in the processes of creation and consumption of cultural content.

Psycho-physical development of children with Down syndrome is pronouncedly individual in its nature in the same ways as is with other children and it largely depends on quality care, education, and relationship with other people. Each one of these children has different capabilities and talents and their full potential has not yet been discovered. Although children with Down syndrome develop slowlier than the average child, our goal is to completely include them in the educational and social life of the community.

Activities include two cycles of video workshops for children and youths with Down syndrome, screening and socializing for all the members of the Association for Down syndrome – Rijeka 21 and the broader community.

Drenova in the center

Program Drenova in the center is followed through in collaboration with Association Without borders and its goal is the empowerment of cultural collaboration with city districts and Rijeka’s suburban local organizations.

Activities involve education of the elderly (54+), members of Association Without borders, on the uses of video in the context of creative use of technology; mentoring members on the subject of filming and editing and public screenings of films in the courtyard of the summer cinema of Homeland museum Drenova, and all with the purpose of giving support to the association in the context of transmitting knowledge and strengthening the capacities for creating a local cultural center, as well as for the needs of realization of specific associations projects.

Film to everyone

Video workshops for deaf and/or hearing impaired are followed through in collaboration with the Association of deaf and hearing-impaired persons of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (UGIN). Participants are educated in making custom subtitles for deaf and hearing-impaired persons, they are introduced to the basics of filming and editing while making films adapted to the needs of deaf and hearing impaired, and they are getting to know the processes of promotion and festival organization.

This program deepens the collaboration with UGIN, creates a foundation for the development of new educational projects, and raises members’ awareness of the importance of active participation in culture.